Monday, May 24, 2010

One Year 3 months...and here we are.

Hello out there strangers!! I know you are all wondering why we are so horrible at this posting thing and the honest answer is I don't know. It is not like it takes a lot of time, we just can not ever think to do it except when we are away from home. Anyway you caught me at a great time so here goes the updates.

Baelin the littlest angel of ours has now been with us for over a year! It truly does not seem like that long ago in thought, but looking back through the photos and blogs it has been that long. We have come to a standstill in her being able to speak. She isn't really not progressing it is just at a rate slower than frozen molasses and only we can ever tell any changes at all. She is totally inaudible to the lay person, but to us we know exactly what DA means. The problem is that she is smart as a whip but can not make it through to her mouth. If we were to throw a hundred random photos on the floor and literally say "Go find the one with a pink shoe, and yellow sun" she would bring them to you. Although she can not even say drink or momma. So we went to a speech therapist and had her evaluated and they think she is about a year and a half delayed on her muscle tone in her mouth and throat more likely due to the lake of interaction. So we start therapy next week to see if we can not get her caught up. We also had her turning in feet evaluated and come to find out she is as limber as a new born. She can turn her feet in a almost a complete circle. When she walks with her feet turned in it is because she wants to and or tired.
     I would love to start potty training but she can not tell me when she needs to go so it is a bit difficult to get her to go when she can not translate that back to us. But all will work out in God's time. We are patiently waiting and at the same time want it to hurry. I'm sure you understand.
            I was reading Tonya's post on Matti and found myself asking the same thing? Would we ever go back to do this again? Jami and I both have evaluated the concept of it and neither one of us are totally against the idea. Financially it would be hard like Tonya said to come up with another 30,000 plus, but at the same time, we think if we really wanted to so this we could probably gather it in the two or three years it would take to do this again. Then there is the thought of China again or somewhere else? This crisis in Hattie had us on the look out for temporary homes for some of the children they were bringing over and of course we were not able to do so but we wanted to. There are so many children out there that need loving families and so few willing to go and make the provisions to do so. It is sad to see children pass the age of adoption and then watch them be turned out into a world of corruption and no hope. I applaud any and all who have taken on a child from anywhere and tried their best to make a difference.
            Mrs. Incredible has started her Masters program this semester and after being out of school for almost 10 years is kinda hard for her to get back on the saddle without being hesitant She aced this first semester and  I know she will get the hang of it soon, will she like it, never. Complete it? That depends on how much it interferes with her daughters. Baelin has actually started crying when you leaver her now. That is a very good sign that we are missed and she doesn't want us to leave. The first time she did it I felt like the most horrible person in the world and at the same time had the biggest grin on my face because she didn't want Daddy to walk away!!
         I am continuing along, planning vacations, playing with my angels, and entertaining the wife. Trying to save the world one day at a time as each crisis comes along. I love my job and cant wait to go every third day but muss my ladies as soon as I walk out of the door.