Monday, September 7, 2009

Fall has begun

Hello to all! I know it has been a little bit since I, Mr. Incredible, have updated this blog. The lovely Mrs. Incredible has been taking care of it lately. The reason I know this is because as soon as she is done typing she tells me to go fix it, add some pictures, and post it......You know the old saying, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, Teach him to fish and he will eat forever!" You think that would apply to simple computer things right? I did too, So I walked in there looked her dead in the eye and said "Yes ma'am!" and then handed her a fish and fixed her post. What can I say, I love her.

Anyway, It is now September and the weather has been absolutely wonderful. We purchased Baelin a new swing for the swing set so that she can swing in between her sisters and she absolutely loves it. She makes the cutest little cackle whenever I get her up high enough to hit the next plane flying over but, that is what she seems to like, so that is what I give her. I like to hear her laugh so its worth it right? Deer season is right around the corner so going out in the woods and riding the four wheeler has been a common thing these days. Baelin went with me to deer camp the other day and sat patiently in a chair for almost two hours watching me split wood. She found it fascinating for some reason and would not take her eyes off it. A cup of tea and a package of fruit chews and she was set for the show. I figured that I would split a log, then chase her down, split a log, hold her, split a log, chase her down and so on.....but she impressed me and I kept going until I was done and she was happy. Since I did not get as many breaks as I thought that I would, I ended up paying for it the next day at the Fire station with the ache of muscles I don't use everyday, and no time to let them recover. I cried a little every time I had to move to fast. It was a manly kinda whimper, not one to be ashamed of or anything, and the tears stayed near the eyes, you know, nothing streaming down my cheeks or anything. It's all good though. We had fun and that was worth the discomfort.

One of Baelin's new favorite activities is to lead me by my hand to the four wheeler and push me on to it and then signal for me to pick her up and place her on my lap. We then ride for a while up and down the road and through the woods where to date she has gone to sleep ever single time. I can't see her face while I'm driving so I have to wait on her to slump forward into the handle bars before I know she is out. She never fusses when she passes out, but she will get upset with me if I stop and get off before she has gotten her ride time nap in.

Now don't get me wrong I miss the older two while they are in school but I have also really enjoyed the daddy-daughter time alone with Baelin during the day. We have bonded closer since school has started. She actually woke up crying the other night and let me rock her in the chair and slept on my chest, and when I tried to put her down she got upset. This is the totally opposite of what would normally happen if I tried to rock her, so that is one more step forward for us I think!

Baelin will not go to strangers anymore and has to be around someone for a while before she will even let them pick her up. I especially like this because she runs back to me if someone tries and I, being stingy with my girls like I am, don't have to go and snatch her away with the possibility of coming across a bit rude by accident. So it is a win/win for everyone. LOL

She loves going to church and being in her class. Getting her teeth brushed at night has been really easy lately with her helping now, (instead of the professional wrestling holds I had to do on her before). She eats really good now with very little fussing, and best of all, her stool has finally gotten solid on a more frequent basis. I know if you are new to this post, that may sound like a weird thing to say but, IF you have happened to read the Wal-Mart adventure several post back, then trust me when I say, that was not the only instance in public where I have had to hang her butt out of the vehicle. Enough said!

Well, that is probably enough of an update for me, I will try to post more often because I know how bored you all get just waiting on these post. Hope everyone is doing well and would really like to see all of our traveling families again one day. Take care all. I will try to get some new pictures and videos on her soon.