Ahhh, here it is. Four months since we met our Baelin and added one more precious girls to our family. It seems like it has been forever since we have been to China. It is funny how little time has passed and yet, it feels like she has been with us for years. That is good, it is a great feeling to have her in our lives.
She looked up at me the other day, stuck her arms straight up and said DA-DA. Then she smiled, crinkled her nose, and let out the cutest little giggle you have ever heard. My heart melted and I was in Awe at the blessing right here before me. She has come such a long way in these months. She comes to me, crawls up in my lap and even lets me rock her to sleep from time to time. She can let us know what she wants, when she wants it, and has no problem keeping up with her big sisters. If you didn't know any better you would have believed she was raised here.
Blaise and Baelin both went the other day for their shots. My middle one is so ready for kindergarten and I am not. I thought I would be but she already seems to big and that will just make her look so much older going to school. The only good thing to that is we will have time alone with Baelin during the day to work with her without the big sisters intervention.
Funny story. Mrs. Incredible took the girls to the doctor while I was in Maryland doing some training. While there they re-drew some blood on Baelin to check her levels and to make sure she was where she needed to be on her shots. In doing so it triggered the County Communicable Disease place to call the next day and start drilling Mrs. Incredible on why we were getting titers drawn and did we know she was positive for this Asian big that was suppose to be real bad. I forget what they called it and couldn't pronounce it if I wanted to. So she calls me kinda freaking out, because they asked more questions than they did explaining it. They said they would call back tomorrow and wanted to know how many people were in the home, where all we had been, how much me weighed, is anyone experiencing a cough or illness, and things of that nature. So Mrs. Incredible was a bit concerned but did not see any threat. So she waited patiently next to the phone the next day and they finally called back. They said they made a mistake and although Baelin was positive it was the good positive. The one that says yes she is immune to the virus. Not that she has it. Mrs. Incredible told them that if they would have slown down yesterday she would have explained to them that if was a foreign adoption and for her to show positive to those immunizations would be natural, and that the titer was drawn to make sure she did not need any booster shots. They quickly apologized and said "Well know you know your CDC units are on top of things!!" Mrs. Incredible said "Gee, thanks!" So we did not have to be quarantined or wear the dust mask for days on end. All is clear.
So anyway, all is going well on the home front, Went camping for the first time a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. Baelin was a trooper and enjoyed every bit of it. The other two would live out camping if I would let them. Most of the family came up and camped one night with us, and we had a grand time. Like the good ol days.
Well that is all from the world of the Incredibles for this episode, tune in next time to hear more of this fantastic family and their many adventures, Same bat time, same bat channel.